Uniting Catholic business owners and professionals for a stronger faith-based economy

Apostollo Network is a global community of Catholic professionals, business entrepreneurs, pilgrims, and religious leaders who are committed to advancing their careers and living out the gospel. Apostollo is a place where you may expand your business, strengthen your religion, and create lasting relationships. It's more than just a network. By signing up, you'll have access to a vibrant community of Catholic businesspeople who promote cooperation and support the thriving Catholic economy across the globe.
But as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, and in all eagerness and in the love from us that is in you—make sure that you excel in this act of kindness too.
2 Corinthians 8:7, New English Translation

Faith as the foundation, business as the mission

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.
Colossians 3:23-24
Our goal is to establish a network where business and faith can coexist by bringing together professionals and business owners who identify as Catholic. Apostollo provides a special environment for progress on both fronts by bringing your spiritual path and your career objectives together.

What Apostollo Network offers

Spiritual support
To stay rooted in your religion, take part in frequent reflections, join prayer groups, and get spiritual counsel
Business expansion and networking
In order to encourage cooperation and financial strength, Apostollo Network was created for Catholic executives, professionals, and business owners. Make connections with like-minded people, exchange business leads, and encourage one another's development.
Evangelization via busines
Apostollo is dedicated to using commercial endeavors that are motivated by faith to further the Gospel. Utilize your company as a platform to influence Catholic and larger communities for the better.

Striving for excellence

for the greater glory of God

Apostollo Network is a hub for Catholic entrepreneurs and company owners committed to combining business and religion. Our goal is to establish an economy where businesses uphold Catholic values and benefit the community by establishing Catholic alliances and providing support to Catholic-owned businesses.

Core components of the Network

Faith-based business alliances

Create meaningful relationships with other Catholic entrepreneurs and business owners to investigate new business prospects and projects that are motivated by faith.

Including religion in business

Get tips and techniques for implementing Catholic principles at work so that your judgment and leadership are informed by your faith.

Community-oriented projects

Collaborate on initiatives that improve Catholic communities and families while advancing the church via worthwhile commercial ventures.

Evangelization and programs led by missions

Apostollo's core activity is evangelization. We think that the gospel can be effectively shared through business. Catholic professionals and business entrepreneurs can help projects that strengthen Christian families and communities around the world by connecting with us.

How Apostollo Network supports evangelization

Ongoing spiritual activity

To keep your faith strong, take part in Mass intentions, join prayer groups, and do regular reflections.

Programs for evangelization

Participate in international campaigns to advance the Gospel and support Catholic communities.

Funding evangelization

Invest in the growth and sustainability of these communities, ensuring they are empowered spiritually and materially to thrive and continue their mission of faith and service.

Assisting Christian-owned companies and families

Contribute to family-oriented initiatives and Catholic-run businesses that support Christian communities around the world.